GRCA Administrative Office, Port Hope

Advanced Training in a Technique – Georeferencing

All the GPS fun without the nitty-gritty work with topographical maps! Students are briefly introduced to coordinate systems before venturing outside with a GPS. After learning how to safely and correctly use their GPS unit, students complete a number of GPS challenges that reinforce the best navigational practices.

Advanced Training in a Technique – Knot Tying

This program provides a break from the age-old adage that “if you can’t tie knots, tie lots!” Knot tying is an incredibly useful skill for many outdoor pursuits, but it is easy for novices to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of different knots that can be tied.

Advanced Training in a Technique – Snowshoeing

Students learn the fundamental skills required to safely snowshoe in the backcountry. Once the fundamental movement skills have been acquired in our training grounds, the students will complete a guided tour of the Ganaraska Forest along our extensive trail system.

Advanced Training in a Technique – X-Country Skiing

Students learn the fundamental skills required to safely cross-country ski in the backcountry. Once the fundamental movement skills have been acquired on our training course, the students will hone their skills on a short guided tour of the Ganaraska Forest along our extensive trail system.

Advanced Training in a Technique – Safe Hiking

Safe Hiking is an integral course for anyone wanting to spend time hiking in the outdoors as well as working in the guiding industry. The overall goals of the program are to provide the novice hiker with the knowledge necessary to keep themselves safe while hiking and to provide hikers with the knowledge to make this a sustainable activity (environmentally and socially).

Advanced Training in a Technology – GPS Art

Spatial awareness and line drawing are taken to a new level by way of GPS technology. After a brief introduction to the functioning of the GPS unit, students will complete a series of activities that will deepen their awareness of the space available to them on the landscape and the opportunities afforded by changes in the landscape.

Advanced Training in Art Therapy – Forest Therapy

Forest therapy is an emerging practice in preventative health care that utilizes intentional experiences in a living forest to generate health benefits. The practice also supports clearer intuition, increased energy, and an increased capacity to communicate with the land and its species.

Conflict Resolution

We can only resolve conflict by creating conflict! In this program, we explore the nature of conflict by completing a series of challenging games and discussion strategies. Students learn to identify different sources of conflict and to respond with effective resolution strategies.

Customer Service

Students learn the fundamental components in delivering effective customer service from the initial greeting to the concluding of interactions. The customer service principles will be enlivened through the completion of an interactive speed dating exercise.

Game Design

The overall objective of the Game Design program is to teach students how to engage a specific audience based on their socio-economic attributes and interests through group games. Students will first be lead thru a brainstorming session on accurately determining what your client’s interests and attributes are.


This action-packed program ensures that students can confidently pull coordinates from a topographic map in order to find locations in the real world with their GPS unit. After mastering the UTM coordinate system indoors, students will head outside to explore the GPS unit and complete a number of geocache challenge courses.

GPS – Green Check Certification

A more advanced and comprehensive 2-day program that provides students with industry-recognized certification with the Green Check National GPS Certification Program. The Green Check Certification clarifies the connections between the map, compass, and GPS unit, and ensures that the students can utilize their GPS unit with a standard 1:50,000 topographic map.
