Enlivening School Curriculum
We teach everyone!
Whether you are looking to visit with your kindergarten students or your secondary students, we have a program for you!
Looking to bring post-secondary students or a corporate group? Let us know and we can adapt our programs for you.
We teach everything!
We have programs about Science and Nature, Geography and Social Studies, Group Dynamics and Leadership, as well as Outdoor Adventure.
And every program is designed to enliven your school curriculum. If you have an idea for a program that you do not see listed, you can even contact us to discuss whether it would be feasible for your trip.
We teach all year!
Everyone wants to visit in May and June, but some of our best experiences can happen only in the autumn and winter.
There is an unequaled bliss of exploring our winter wonderland by cross-country ski or on snowshoes!
Explore GRCA Education Programs
- All
- Day Programs
- Overnight Programs
- JK to Grade 3
- Grades 4 to 8
- Grades 9 to 12
- On-A-Roll
- Virtual
Green Giants
Learn about the importance of plants and trees for any ecosystem, what plants need in order to survive, how plants and animals rely on each other and the parts of a tree. Students will be involved in several games, hands-on experiments and drama activities to relate to these topics.
Group Dynamics
Students develop their character and leadership through introduction to the GFC’s four concepts of teamwork: communication, support, inclusion and planning. These teamwork concepts are tested in a series of fun team challenges and group problem-solving tasks.
Group Dynamics Part I
This program supports Character Education and Leadership by introducing the four concepts of teamwork: communication, support, inclusion and planning through group initiatives. This program supports these concepts through various challenges and group problem-solving tasks.
Group Dynamics Part II: Low Ropes
This program builds upon Group Dynamics Part I and takes place on a low ropes course located in the Ganaraska Forest. Several different elements including the Ice Wall, Nitro, Whale Watch and many more, help students to focus on trust and teamwork.
Hiding in Plain Sight
Students explore the interdependence of plants and animals through the lens of an important animal adaptation: camouflage. This program will also explore how plants and animals have responded to changes in the environment caused by human activities. Learn together in this Kahoot! game.
Ice-Breakers & Co-operative Games
This interactive program is designed to build teamwork, develop cooperation skills and enhance communication through a variety of activities and games. This program helps to build comfortable and trusting relationships among classes and helps build group cohesion.
ICE: Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship
Need a sector partner for your innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship training? Put your students to work for us! Let the ICE-trained and Ontario-certified teachers of the GFC host this exciting training for your students. We can co-develop an authentic challenge statement for your sector. Then leave the rest to us!
Introduction to Stream Assessment Protocol
In this engaging program, the complexity of the Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol is summarized to highlight those measurements that are most integral to the efficient management of a watershed by conservation authorities. Students spend the morning at our ponds in order to collect benthic macroinvertebrates and appreciate what their relative populations can reveal about the health of their aquatic habitat.
Introduction to Wilderness First Aid – GFC
In this extension of the student’s Standard First Aid certification, students are introduced to the unique considerations of administering First Aid in a wilderness setting. Students are challenged to utilize a number of readily available natural materials to deliver aid in authentic wilderness scenarios.
Leadership Skills
Why teach about leadership when you can experience leadership! Students develop their character and leadership by completing a series of fun team challenges and group program-solving tasks. These experiences explore the nature of leadership and create opportunities for the students to seize the moment and test drive their new skills.