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Notice of Upcoming Open Houses: Draft GRCA Conservation Lands Strategy
Public consultation on the Draft GRCA Conservation Lands Strategy began July 2nd and will continue until August 12th, 2024, including two upcoming Public Open Houses.
The Public Open Houses will take place at:
- Ganaraska Forest Centre, 10585 Cold Springs Camp Road, Campbellcroft, on July 30th from 3:30–6:30 p.m. (Please approach the GFC from Ganaraska Road / County Road 9 to Cold Springs Camp Road)
- GRCA Administration Office, 2216 County Road 28, Port Hope, on July 31st from 3:30–6:30 p.m.
For additional information and to submit your input, please visit the link below, until August 12th, 2024.
View Draft Conservation Lands Strategy
Ganaraska Forest RUC Volunteer Opportunity
The GRCA is seeking applicants to fill the volunteer position of Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee (RUC) Chair, which is a non-voting position on the RUC.
For more information and to apply, please visit the link below.
Ganaraska Forest Trailhead Signage Improvements
In the past month, GRCA staff installed trailhead signage at five parking lot locations throughout the Ganaraska Forest.
The new signage includes interpretive content and maps to help orient Forest Users to trails and Forest boundaries. These signs also feature relevant emergency and regulatory information, including the What3Words location of each parking lot. To view these new signs, please visit the Central Forest Trailhead or Parking Lots P2, P5, P6 and P7.
The roll out of additional, updated signage is expected to continue throughout the year and into the future.
Funding for new trailhead signage in the Ganaraska Forest is supported through the Greenbelt Foundation.
Ganaraska Millennium Conservation Area Trail Improvements
The GRCA has begun work to replace the existing boardwalk located in the southern portion of the Ganaraska Millennium Conservation Area property.
This new boardwalk will be built slightly north of the current location and will replace the existing structure entirely. The structure will provide a larger, more accessible boardwalk for visitors to enjoy, while also allowing access to the trail during planned 401 expansion work, beginning Fall 2024. GRCA staff strive to limit any possible trail closures as much as possible during construction.
The GRCA would like to thank visitors in advance for their patience and cooperation as staff work to complete this project.
MNR Proposing New Fishing Rules on the Lower Ganaraska River
The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is proposing a recreational fishery rule change to the lower Ganaraska River in Fisheries Management Zone 17.
Please share your feedback on proposed changes, until August 22nd, 2024 at midnight.
Clean Water-Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program
Looking to do something on your property to conserve, restore or enhance the watershed and environment? Do you need technical assistance or financial resources to complete the project?
If so, consider the GRCA Clean Water-Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program. 50 per cent of project costs is available, up to a maximum of $3,000 and excluding HST.
For more information and to apply, please visit the link below.