Plan Review & Permit Fees
There are fees for GRCA permits. This fee may be in addition to fees collected for Planning Act applications. Permit fees are based on the scope of the work being proposed and GRCA collects this fee directly.
GRCA fees can be paid by credit card over the phone or cheque. Please contact the GRCA for more information.
Education Rates & Fees
The Ganaraska Forest Centre (GFC) is pleased to offer exceptional programs at affordable rates. In order to ensure the best and safest experience at the most affordable rate, a number of different factors concerning your students and the desired program(s) are taken into consideration.
The rate for each of our programs is listed below. Please contact the GRCA for more information if you have any questions concerning the rates for a program of interest.
Policies & Guidelines
Once you have selected your experience type and date, the next step in the booking process is the booking package. A booking package will be prepared and emailed to you. The booking package will contain your Use of Facilities Permit and an invoice for a 50% non-refundable booking deposit.
Please Note: This number of students communicated to the GFC instructor will be used to calculate the final balance owing and an invoice will be sent for the balance. This final balance cannot be changed and is due prior to your experience date. If additional students attend, a supplementary invoice will be prepared and emailed to you. Upon request, an official receipt that day will be supplied.
For Day Experiences, your participant numbers must be confirmed two weeks prior to your experience.
For Overnight and SHSM Experiences, your final participant numbers must be provided to the GFC 30 days prior to your experience.
Ganaraska Forest Program Fees
Recreation User Fees
Please note: All Ganaraska Forest visitors are required to have a membership or day pass and are required to present their membership or day pass to GRCA staff or enforcement officers upon request and display a valid Ganaraska Forest parking pass on the dash of their highway vehicle while parked at the Ganaraska Forest.
Forest Memberships and Day Passes are non-transferable
Please remember to display your valid parking pass
Special Group Events
A Ganaraska Forest Special Event Application Form must be submitted a minimum of three months prior to the event date and must include an insurance certificate indicating liability coverage, a map showing which trails/ trail markers intended for use and an accurate description of the of the event.
The GRCA maintains cross-country skiing trails when weather conditions permit, including snow depth and cold temperatures.
Current Trail Conditions

Not Groomed
All Trails & Loops:
Updated Mar. 13th, 2025, at 8:45 a.m.
Trails last Groomed & Track Set on March 8, 2025
Current reported conditions are listed as of the time and date provided and change due to weather conditions.