GRCA Events

GRCA Administrative Office, Port Hope
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Summer Newsletter 2024

Read about exciting news and upcoming events, as well as other important information from Ganaraska Conservation. Consider signing-up to receive the email when it releases.

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Notice of Public Open Houses: Draft Conservation Lands Strategy

Consultation on the Draft Conservation Lands Strategy will occur from July 2 to August 12, 2024 and will include two Public Open Houses, one at the GRCA Administration Office and one at the Ganaraska Forest Centre (GFC).

Rain barrel collecting rain in a garden with logo overlay

Exciting news, discounted rain barrels available for 2024!

Rain barrels are a great way to conserve water and reduce costs on your property. In 2024, rain barrels are being offered in a variety of styles and price points through Order before June 17th to receive a $25* discount on each barrel, which will then be delivered directly to you.

A beam of sunlight shining through the Ganaraska Forest canopy

Multi-Use Activities Not at Risk in the Ganaraska Forest

With your input, new and expanded trail networks will be created in the Forest. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) is NOT closing trails to any existing user groups in the Ganaraska Forest. Despite misinformation circulating online, the GRCA remains committed to providing multi-use, recreational trails for ALL to enjoy, including both motorized and non-motorized activities.

Trail winding through the Forest

Notice of Public Open House: Trail Modelling & Development in the Ganaraska Forest

The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) owns and manages the 11,000-acre Ganaraska Forest. A recreational program is offered supporting multi-use activities on the property. The GRCA is using a Geographic Information System (GlS)-based method/model for determining new recreational trail locations, based on environmental factors, as well as user preferences for trail attributes. The GRCA will be hosting two public open houses seeking feedback on the environmental and trail user criteria that will be used by the GIS model to support new trail locations.

Spring Nature Nuts Camp being led by GRCA Education Staff

Calling All Nature Lovers!

The GRCA’s Nature Nuts March Break Camp is designed, planned and delivered by Ontario-certified Outdoor Education teaching staff. Campers aged 7 to 11 are invited to participate in a variety of hands-on activities, active games, group challenges, zany crafts and good-natured fun. Children learn how to survive in the great outdoors; design, construct and test structures, create messy science experiments, and so much more.

Aerial photo of the Lake Ontario Shoreline

Notice of Public Information Centre: Durham Floodplain Mapping Update Study

Durham Region and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) are working together to update floodplain mapping for several areas within the Municipality of Clarington. These areas include Lovekin, Bouchette Point and Port Granby Creeks, as well as the northwest portion of the Ganaraska River
