Social Studies & Geography

GPS: Geocache Adventures
Just the games! After a brief orientation to the Global Positioning System unit, students use the technology to navigate through a number of geocache courses. If time permits, intermediate and senior students may also compete in the GPS Hunger Games!
GPS: Numbers, Numbers Everywhere
This is an in-depth look at the technology of the Global Positioning System, sources of error, and the meaning of the GPS coordinates. A variety of fun, interactive games are played to test the students’ skills and to ensure that they are competent users of the GPS unit.
Map Reading & Orienteering
This popular program gives students a hands-on opportunity to learn and apply compass and map-reading skills. Students learn to test their skills by completing an orienteering field and forest course.
Maple Moon
Students are introduced to the process of making maple syrup. Guides dressed in traditional clothing present aboriginal and pioneer methods of making maple syrup. Students take part in hands-on demonstrations and voyageur games and wrap up the day tasting a sweet treat around a cozy, outdoor campfire.
Mapping for Little Ones
This program is specifically designed for primary students. They learn basic cardinal directions, how to design maps and legends and are introduced to the parts of a compass. Students test their knowledge by completing two orienteering courses.
Oak Ridges Moraine Program
Students learn about unique land features in Ontario, with a primary focus on the moraine. Students participate in an interpretive hike that includes dialogue on topics such as glacial erratic, watersheds, headwaters and water source protection.
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Program Offerings (PDF)
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Contact Information
Education Staff
Please contact us on how we may help in presenting the appropriate safety, supervision and risk management information to your administrators or if you have further questions for GRCA Teachers and programming.
T: 905.885.8173
Administration Office
2216 County Road 28
Port Hope, ON L1A 3V8
T: 905.885.8173
F: 905.885.9824
Ganaraska Forest Centre
10585 Cold Springs Camp Road
Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0
T: 905.885.8173
F: 905.797.2545