
GRCA Administrative Office, Port Hope

GPS: Geocache Adventures

Just the games! After a brief orientation to the Global Positioning System unit, students use the technology to navigate through a number of geocache courses. If time permits, intermediate and senior students may also compete in the GPS Hunger Games!

GPS: Numbers, Numbers Everywhere

This is an in-depth look at the technology of the Global Positioning System, sources of error, and the meaning of the GPS coordinates. A variety of fun, interactive games are played to test the students’ skills and to ensure that they are competent users of the GPS unit.

Group Dynamics

Students develop their character and leadership through introduction to the GFC’s four concepts of teamwork: communication, support, inclusion and planning. These teamwork concepts are tested in a series of fun team challenges and group problem-solving tasks.

Group Dynamics Part I

This program supports Character Education and Leadership by introducing the four concepts of teamwork: communication, support, inclusion and planning through group initiatives. This program supports these concepts through various challenges and group problem-solving tasks.

ICE: Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship

Need a sector partner for your innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship training? Put your students to work for us! Let the ICE-trained and Ontario-certified teachers of the GFC host this exciting training for your students. We can co-develop an authentic challenge statement for your sector. Then leave the rest to us!

Leadership Skills

Why teach about leadership when you can experience leadership! Students develop their character and leadership by completing a series of fun team challenges and group program-solving tasks. These experiences explore the nature of leadership and create opportunities for the students to seize the moment and test drive their new skills.

Mapping for Little Ones

This program is specifically designed for primary students. They learn basic cardinal directions, how to design maps and legends and are introduced to the parts of a compass. Students test their knowledge by completing two orienteering courses.

Sensory Awareness

This program is designed for primary students who are exploring their five senses. Students build awareness of the natural habitat through activities that utilize and emphasize the senses of smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing.


Students spend a half-day learning how to snowshoe using modern, provided equipment. This program demonstrates a unique method of winter travel, is physically active, and is best combined with another half-day program.

Stress Management Techniques – Forest Therapy

Forest therapy is an emerging practice in preventative health care that utilizes intentional experiences in a living forest to generate health benefits. Along with physiological changes in blood pressure, immune functioning and improved sleep, the health benefits of forest therapy include reduced stress levels, improved mood, increased energy, as well as an increased ability to focus.

Survival Game

In this active role-playing game, each student takes on the character of a different wildlife species. It is a high-energy program that is exciting for students in both junior and intermediate grade levels. The transfer of energy, consumer levels, and human impacts on wildlife are explored in this program.

Wolf Prowl Game

This simulation game focuses on such topics as energy flow, consumer levels, and human impacts on forest ecosystems. Its aim is to teach students the relationship an organism has with other species and its environment.
