Yield the Right-of-Way and Avoid Routes That Could Conflict With Logging Operations
The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) would like to remind Forest users to exercise caution and yield the right-of-way to logging equipment during timber harvest operations in the Ganaraska Forest.
Avoiding parking lots and routes that could conflict with logging operations is the safest way for visitors to enjoy the Forest during these operations. Please check the Ganaraska Forest Trails Map for trail / road closures related to the annual harvest, before planning your visit to the Forest.
Exercise Caution When Encountering Logging Equipment in the Ganaraska Forest
Some forest roads may remain open to facilitate the movement of logging equipment through the Forest. These logging routes will be flagged with yellow caution tape, indicating recreational users should exercise caution and to reduce speeds to 20 km/h. When encountered, logging equipment should be given ample space to operate and the right-of-way, especially in log staging areas where trucks are being loaded.
Forest users can view the Ganaraska Forest Trails Map for active and planned logging operation locations, which are updated regularly: https://grca.on.ca/forest-recreation/ganaraska-forest-trails-map/
Flagging Tape Is Important For Both Safety AND Preserving Recreational Trails
In preparation for the harvests, recreational trails have been flagged using pink tape within the harvest areas. These flags help contractors see and minimize damage to trails, particularly through the snowy, winter months when trails can be impossible to see. Protecting existing trails is important and relies on these pink flags to be visible.
These logging operations facilitate the growth of native tree species, like Red Oak, White Pine and Sugar Maple, all of which were included in the initial landscape restoration plans when the Forest was planted over 80 years ago, as well as being guided by the Forest Management Plan.
Operations this year will include a combination of selective thinnings and final removals. Operations will take place across the West Forest and will remain active until February 28, 2025. During this time, all recreational trails within logging areas will remain closed for the safety of users and contractors. Additionally, hunting in or accessing trails through logging areas is prohibited.
Please contact the GRCA for more information on timber harvesting operations by calling 905.885.8173 or emailing info@grca.on.ca.