Demonstrating Accountability
Since their inception starting in the 1940s, Conservation Authorities have been collecting and analyzing environmental data and using this information to guide the development of local natural resource programs and plans.
Ontario's 36 Conservation Authorities are uniquely positioned to contribute to the health of our watersheds.
Strong and resilient natural ecosystems help us adapt to many different challenges including the impacts of climate change, rapid urbanization, stressed biodiversity and increased pollution.
Public demand for information about the state of watersheds & a need to demonstrate accountability led Conservation Authorities to develop Watershed Report Cards. The report card is an important tool to transfer information about local watershed conditions to a wider audience including local residents, agencies and government partners, thus enabling informed decision-making leading to enhanced local protection and remediation actions.
Partnerships are key to the success of the program!
Through their monitoring programs, Conservation Authorities continue to track and report on watershed conditions once every five years.
Ensuring the health of Ontario's watersheds cannot be achieved by any one group alone. The Conservation Authorities have always relied on many partnerships with landowners, other agencies and all levels of government to develop programs and plans that contribute to the health of our watersheds and people.