Building Features

Fire pit and picnic shelter at the GFC

Important Ganaraska Forest Information

  • Important Logging Safety Reminders For Ganaraska Forest Users – Click here for more information.
  • To access the Ganaraska Forest, each individual must have a membership or day pass, which are available for sale at Day passes are also available from the Gatehouse Kiosk at the Ganaraska Forest Centre, which includes the printed parking portion, as well as the day pass.
  • Should you see any trail erosion or downed trees, please report it by emailing
  • Please check the Ganaraska Forest Winter Trail Conditions and local weather forecast before planning your visit.

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) is steeped in a rich history of watershed management and outdoor education.

Keeping that tradition in mind, the Authority has recently moved to a more modern approach in reducing our carbon footprint and bringing a natural, non-invasive experience to our visitors in building a brand new facility.

Ganaraska Forest Centre main entrance
GFC Suite

Ganaraska Forest Centre (GFC) Layout

In 2009, the state-of-the art Ganaraska Forest Centre (GFC) was built on the Ganaraska Forest property. Set in 4,452 hectares (11,000 acres) of the majestic Ganaraska Forest, the facility is a showcase of world class environmental and ecologically friendly design.

With 1,580-square meters (17,000-square feet) of barrier-free space, the building features dormitory rooms for up to 80 people as well as two roomy and dedicated suites that can accommodate up to six individuals. The suites are separate, but adjacent to the dormitory area and provide privacy, security, and respect for everyone’s personal space. Each suite is outfitted with separate washroom and shower facilities, its own phone line and WiFi access.

The building features a 222-square-meter (2,400-square feet) Great Hall with a beautiful stone fireplace; a cozy gathering place where Overnight Experience groups share meals and learn fun ways to lower their own impact on the environment. As well, there are two other, dedicated classroom spaces for break-out sessions, the Learning Gallery, Mudroom, an administration area, the Oak Ridges Moraine Information Centre, and a Resource Room dedicated to the identification, habitat and adaptation of flora and fauna native to the Ganaraska Forest and surrounding areas.

Forest Centre LayoutThe Ganaraska Forest Centre also houses a full-service commercial kitchen, staffed by certified culinary professionals who offer a healthy and adaptable menu to suit special dietary concerns.

The Ganaraska Forest Centre is a multi-use facility that adheres to a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) system of construction and incorporates environmentally friendly wood species, green roof areas, solar energy, recycled roof tiles and other materials made of recycled rubber, wood, and ceramics; all in an effort to demonstrate our leadership in solid conservation strategies.

GFC Interior

Contact Information

Ganaraska Forest Centre

10585 Cold Springs Camp Road
Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0

T: 905.885.8173

Treetop Trekking Logo

Treetop Trekking

Treetop Trekking is an aerial park in the Central Ganaraska Forest.

While at the Ganaraska Forest, visit Treetop Trekking, who independently operate in the Central Forest.

For more information, call 905.797.2000. Special rates for school groups participating in Ganaraska Forest Centre Outdoor Education programs are available.