Vision 2020: A Review that Illuminates the Future
In 2015, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) published its Strategic Plan – Vision 2020. The Plan documents our strategic organizational commitments and builds on our legacy of conservation and watershed managers while charting a path forward over five years (2015-2020) and beyond. The Strategic Plan was created over two years and involved a comprehensive consultation process with the GRCA Board of Directors, GRCA staff, member municipalities, partners, stakeholders, and the public.
Vision 2020 - A Review that Illuminates the Future summarizes our accomplishments and will allow for reflection while determining how to continue this momentum into the future, while at the same time navigating the uncertainty imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
2015-2020 Strategic Plan: A Roadmap for the Future
The GRCA is leading the way in watershed innovation, adaptation, and resilience.
At the GRCA, we are committed to the Ganaraska Region Watershed. We are committed to working with our partners to ensure that the special spaces and places that make the Ganaraska Region so unique remain intact for others to enjoy.
The GRCA Strategic Plan – Vision 2020 – documents our strategic organizational commitments. It builds on our legacy of conservation heritage as it charts a path forward for the next five years and beyond. Vision 2020 illuminates important emerging areas of strategic priority and sets a course for ambitious, innovative, and bold watershed management.
From All of Us at the GRCA Staff and Board Members.